Gard Gitlestad is a lighting designer and technician working predominantly with architecture and public spaces, as well as stage lighting for music, theatre and contemporary dance. In the field of architectural lighting, his main focus is on conceptual, atmospheric and immersive installations in the public realm.
In addition to design projects of his own, Gitlestad also works as a technician designing and installing custom lighting electronics, controls and embedded systems for other designers. He considers lighting design both an art and a craft, and strives to create rugged and reliable technical solutions, leveraging open source technologies to make innovative sensor-based systems.
Gitlestad also uses advanced electronic geekery as a means to explore new visual territories, currently delving into analogue video synthesis and video glitch art, in an attempt to merge photography, video, electronics tinkering and light.
From 2021 onwards, Gitlestad is part of Glød Studio, a an artistic endeavour focusing primarily on major art installations in the public realm.